Journey to Revel Grove, MD Renaissance Faire

A last minute decision led us on a Labor Day journey to the Maryland Renaissance Fair. Scott and Noel met us at the farm. Rumor had it that a bunch of SCAdians from the Shire of Sylvan Glen would be venturing forth. We made it our mission to find them!

Gypsy Wolf and Friends at teh MD Renaissance Festival

This was Scott and Noel’s first faire, and Wolf’s first faire on the east coast, and Wolf and my first faire married.
Orange ices staved off the heat while we

played dressup….

trying on a ruana gypsy loves the kitty cloak

…enjoyed ourselves…

scott and noel on the kissing bridge

…and enjoyed the performances–especially the horses!

md renaissance festival joust



We took some pictures and videos of the renaissance faire, and ran into Fergus from a neighboring shire. Our shire folk, alas, changed their plans, leaving us as Sylvan Glen’s sole representatives.

Roman Ballista on Ebay


Everything you need can be found at Goodwill, Walmart, or Ebay. Want proof?

A full size, workable ballista is currently at auction.  Not just any ballista but a CELEBRITY ballista at that.  (Does that make it a celebrista?)  Originally made for a joint BBC/ Discovery Channel production, “Building the Impossible,”  this baby can be YOURS!

We love this video (and not just cause we love Peter Gabriel!)


Hurry and place your bid now before its going, going, gooooone!

A Knight’s Tale Concluded

With sadness, I join the world in marking Heath Ledger’s passing. I hope you found peace, bold knight. We shall continue to enjoy your tale in times to come. Thanks Zouru–this is the best Knight’s Tale video clip I’ve seen.