Good Evening :=)

Having a fairly tame night, waiting for the storm to come. Still debating the wisdom of heading down to FR tonight. Less snow, but more freezing rain sooner, and… well, if I’m going to get stuck someplace, I’d much rather be stuck at the Bower… the company’s a lot better 🙂 Continue reading “Good Evening :=)”

Your Peculiar Medieval Aristocratic Title

Heartfelt greetings from her Imperial Majesty Gypsy the Mirthful and her beloved husband, His Grace Lord Wolf the Surreptitious!

Every so often we all lose our sense of self in the world. Some hie in to shrinks, others wallow in the empty falsehoods of gossips. Fie on them! Lady Fortune the Absurd of Greater Internetshire penetrates the muck and mire to remind you of the very essense of your being– and she knows you’re royal, to boot!

‘Tis clear she knows my current work schedule!

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Her Eminence the Very Viscountess Gypsy the Indefatigable of Hardy St Thomas
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Just a quick hello…

Been kind of crazy of late, working the usual rotation at work, setting up websites, and now, posting blogs posts about horses for sale and hoping that they get reindexed with some kind of regularity. May google index away 🙂

Also getting some neat website affiliates for the other sites. Intend to continue to have fun along the way :=)

A Knight’s Tale Concluded

With sadness, I join the world in marking Heath Ledger’s passing. I hope you found peace, bold knight. We shall continue to enjoy your tale in times to come. Thanks Zouru–this is the best Knight’s Tale video clip I’ve seen.


Have yuu tha Wing?

There are times I can hardly believe it myself. After so long of wondering if I’d ever find someone I could get along with and be actually happy… it finally happenned… I’m officially Married :=) For pictures of my smart, wonderful, talented briode, scroll down!

Wedding Photo!

We had a wonderful, candle-lit ceremony in garb and are actively engaged in planning a much larger extravaganza this summer…

Twuu Wuuv…
